Advertorial WEL C UME Join us for Nelson aptist PST ter@ GRACE HY plefor God's Glory',- 19 Government Rd, Nelson Bay Thursday 18th April-7pm 49 hior Pastor: Andrew East Service of shadows Nelson Bay Baptist Church Pastor Andrew East. My name is Andrew East and I commenced in the position as Senior Pastor of Nelson Bay Baptist church in 2018. Before taking up the role of senior pastor at Nelson Bay Baptist Church I previously served as Pastor in Armidale Church of Christ for 6 years. My Friday 19th April-9:30am family and I are really enjoying the sea change to Nelson Bay. I enjoy spending time with my family, mountain biking, triathlons, surfing, archery, spearfishing and, wait for it. watercolour painting As we look towards our Easter weekend, I would invite you to reflect on the amazingGoad Nen freedom that Jesus offers. Failed relationships, poor decisions, broken promises, harsh words; they weigh us down and rob us of peace. On the outside we can pretend A reflective, somber service considering the sacrifice of Jesus for humanity MY MHOPE 00d ridan service that everything is "ine". But f we are honest. we ll know what i fols Ike to cary theAfree compelling short film about the hope that Jesus offers all people A free compelling short film about the hope that Jesus offers all people pain of shame and regret. Into this space Jesus brings hope! Easter is about giving each of us an opportunity to be free of our shame and the guilt of our mistakes. Jesus' death and resurrection provides a life-filled alternative to carrying shame and regret. When Jesus died on the cross, as an innocent man, he took on himself the failures, shame and sin of all people. Once and for ll. In death Jesus carried our sins but, in his resurrection, Jesus demonstrated that the power of sin and death was broken. The message of Easter is that because of Jesus, freedom from shame and sin is possible for all of us. So, take your shame to Jesus and receive forgiveness, a new start and fresh hope. If you can relate to where I am coming from, you may wish to pray the following prayer this Easter: Jesus, I bring my failure and my mistakes to you today. Thank you that your forgiveness frees me from shame. Please help me live for you. tist .org ae ote930amCelebration service atec rui 1am Free morning tea and children chocolate Easter egg hun "Happy Easter from Pastor Andrew"