Xe DON'T MISS THE BOATS! THE 12TH ANNUAL SAIL PORT STEPHENS IS BRINGING HUNDREDS oF SAILORS TO THE BAY FROM APRIL 8-14. CATCH ALL THE ACTION FROM 12.30PM MON-WED & 11.30AM FRI-SUN OFF NELSON BAY BREAKWALL Women Who Sail Gathering Bannisters Port Stephens Commodores Cup Garmin NSW IRC Championship Pantaenius Port Stephens Trophy Australian Sports Boat Nationals VX ONE NSW Championship Super 12 NSW Championship Farr 40 One-Design APRIL 6-7 APRIL 8-10 APRIL 12-14 MESSAGE TO BOAT OWNERS From April 12-14 Soldiers Point boat ramp will be used by a fleet of trailable sports yachts contesting their major titles sailportstephens.com.au YouTube Sall Pot Stephens an aAPRIL 13-14 Junior One-Sail (Port Stephens Aquatic Club) your patience Seabreeze Hotel, Heineken and Wild Oats Wines 16-Foot skiffs visitnsw.com BANNISTE RS alloggi PANTAENIUS GARMIN NSN PORT STEPHENS Port Stephens Sail & Motor Yacht Insurance info@sailportstephens.com.au