Pay now. Pay later. Pay with points. Come in and find out how we can help make technology more affordable by paying less with Telstra Plus Points and buying outright or paying over 12 or 24 months. Call Telstra Port Stephens to book an appointment for contactless collection. Telstra Store Salamander Bay Shop 69 Salamander Bay Square 4919 2222 Telstra Store Raymond Terrace MarketPlace Raymond Terrace 4983 5888 AW3935858 Pay now. Pay later. Pay with points. Come in and find out how we can help make technology more affordable by paying less with Telstra Plus Points and buying outright or paying over 12 or 24 months. Call Telstra Port Stephens to book an appointment for contactless collection. Telstra Store Salamander Bay Shop 69 Salamander Bay Square 4919 2222 Telstra Store Raymond Terrace MarketPlace Raymond Terrace 4983 5888 AW3935858