PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL Sign up to our DA e-newsletter visit pscouncil.info/development-applications DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION UPDATE APPLICATIONS LODGED FROM 05/01/2025 to 12/01/2025 Information is correct at time of printing. For up-to-date information visit Council's DA Tracker at datracker.portstephens.nsw.gov.au or contact us on 4988 0255. ADDRESS ANNA BAY DA NO. PROPOSAL 2/26 Pacific Ave 16-2024-698-1 Alterations/additions BOAT HARBOUR to dwelling 16-2025-2-1 18 Ocean Pde CORLETTE 6 Tacking St 16-2023-4-3 MEDOWIE 5D Ferodale Rd 16-2024-692-1 2 storey dwelling and swimming pool S4.55(1A) Modification to 2 storey dwelling, retaining walls-amend retaining walls and swimming pool Single storey dwelling Garage with carport ADDRESS SOLDIERS POINT 15 Ash St DA NO. PROPOSAL 16-2023-456-2 S4.55(1A) Modification new attached garage, 2/11 Grandview 16-2025-4-1 Cl swimming pool (with barriers), cabana, retaining walls, remove 3 trees - amend boundary fence Alterations/additions to dwelling TANILBA BAY 16-2021-665-3 S4.55(1A) Modification to 1 into 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision, construct dwelling-amend 1 Peace Pde; 3 Peace Pde building design, remove right of carriageway Australia Day Reflect. Respect. Celebrate. SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2025 Let's celebrate our community and everything that makes Port Stephens an incredible place Karuah RSL Karuah 10am to midnight Henderson Park Lemon Tree Passage Fly Point Nelson Bay 9:30am to 3:45pm Pool Party Lakeside Leisure Centre, Raymond Terrace from 10am 8am to 4pm For more information visit portstephens.nsw.gov.au and follow us on Facebook 21 Wellard Cl 16-2025-3-1 NELSON BAY Riverside Park Raymond Terrace 32 Montevideo Pde 16-2024-693-1 Alterations/additions to dwelling, retaining walls and swimming pool 65F Avenue of the Allies 16-2024-696-1 2 detached sheds to 8am to 1:30pm replace existing 10 Lloyd George 16-2025-9-1 Detached shed 4 Trafalgar St 16-2025-8-1 Alterations/additions to dwelling, carport and swimming pool 18 President 16-2025-10-1 Change of use to dual Poincare Pde SALAMANDER BAY occupancy, construct carport, 1 into 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision 111 Foreshore Dr 16-2024-695-1 2 storey dwelling, retaining walls, demolish existing dwelling TAYLORS BEACH 13 Shearwater Dr 16-2025-6-1 Strata subdivision Fireworks at 9pm Proudly brought to you by: Australia Day Reflect. Respect. Celebrate. PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL LIONS belgravialeisure connecting community to leisure International Women's Day Scholarship Applications open until 13 February 2025 We're offering scholarships to local women to achieve their goals across arts, culture, environment, business, health, community or sport. Apply at pscouncil.info/iwd-apply Major Sponsor: Raymond Terrace Also supported by: MARQUIS VEOLIA COUNCIL NOTICES | portstephens.nsw.gov.au | 02 4988 0255 | council@portstephens.nsw.gov.au Please Note: Any submission or other correspondence received by Council may be released to any person making application to Council under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. For further enquiries, please contact Council. PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL Sign up to our DA e - newsletter visit pscouncil.info/development-applications DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION UPDATE APPLICATIONS LODGED FROM 05/01/2025 to 12/01/2025 Information is correct at time of printing . For up - to - date information visit Council's DA Tracker at datracker.portstephens.nsw.gov.au or contact us on 4988 0255 . ADDRESS ANNA BAY DA NO . PROPOSAL 2/26 Pacific Ave 16-2024-698-1 Alterations / additions BOAT HARBOUR to dwelling 16-2025-2-1 18 Ocean Pde CORLETTE 6 Tacking St 16-2023-4-3 MEDOWIE 5D Ferodale Rd 16-2024-692-1 2 storey dwelling and swimming pool S4.55 ( 1A ) Modification to 2 storey dwelling , retaining walls - amend retaining walls and swimming pool Single storey dwelling Garage with carport ADDRESS SOLDIERS POINT 15 Ash St DA NO . PROPOSAL 16-2023-456-2 S4.55 ( 1A ) Modification new attached garage , 2/11 Grandview 16-2025-4-1 Cl swimming pool ( with barriers ) , cabana , retaining walls , remove 3 trees - amend boundary fence Alterations / additions to dwelling TANILBA BAY 16-2021-665-3 S4.55 ( 1A ) Modification to 1 into 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision , construct dwelling - amend 1 Peace Pde ; 3 Peace Pde building design , remove right of carriageway Australia Day Reflect . Respect . Celebrate . SUNDAY 26 JANUARY 2025 Let's celebrate our community and everything that makes Port Stephens an incredible place Karuah RSL Karuah 10am to midnight Henderson Park Lemon Tree Passage Fly Point Nelson Bay 9:30 am to 3:45 pm Pool Party Lakeside Leisure Centre , Raymond Terrace from 10am 8am to 4pm For more information visit portstephens.nsw.gov.au and follow us on Facebook 21 Wellard Cl 16-2025-3-1 NELSON BAY Riverside Park Raymond Terrace 32 Montevideo Pde 16-2024-693-1 Alterations / additions to dwelling , retaining walls and swimming pool 65F Avenue of the Allies 16-2024-696-1 2 detached sheds to 8am to 1:30 pm replace existing 10 Lloyd George 16-2025-9-1 Detached shed 4 Trafalgar St 16-2025-8-1 Alterations / additions to dwelling , carport and swimming pool 18 President 16-2025-10-1 Change of use to dual Poincare Pde SALAMANDER BAY occupancy , construct carport , 1 into 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision 111 Foreshore Dr 16-2024-695-1 2 storey dwelling , retaining walls , demolish existing dwelling TAYLORS BEACH 13 Shearwater Dr 16-2025-6-1 Strata subdivision Fireworks at 9pm Proudly brought to you by : Australia Day Reflect . Respect . Celebrate . PORT STEPHENS COUNCIL LIONS belgravialeisure connecting community to leisure International Women's Day Scholarship Applications open until 13 February 2025 We're offering scholarships to local women to achieve their goals across arts , culture , environment , business , health , community or sport . Apply at pscouncil.info/iwd-apply Major Sponsor : Raymond Terrace Also supported by : MARQUIS VEOLIA COUNCIL NOTICES | portstephens.nsw.gov.au | 02 4988 0255 | council@portstephens.nsw.gov.au Please Note : Any submission or other correspondence received by Council may be released to any person making application to Council under the Government Information ( Public Access ) Act 2009. For further enquiries , please contact Council .