ON Lions Club of Raymond Terrace We Serve Lions Club of Raymond Terrace members would like to thank their partners and friends; and local citizens and Businesses that have assisted us in our humanitarian efforts in Raymond Terrace over the previous year. We would not be as effective without your assistance. With your help, we have been able to provide direct support for individuals: Schools; families and other community organisations through our many service projects. We have also been able to raise much needed funds to support other local charities and Lions Foundations which contribute to the much needed funds required to support those most in need. Do you think your community needs help? Then we need you! Through our service, we have changed people's lives. We need to continue to grow our membership so our service to the Community can continue. As a member of our club you will experience strong fellowship and good times meet new people and build lasting friendships and the opportunity to learn new skills and personal development. These are just some of the benefits of being a member of the World's largest and most Active Service club organization. Working together we make a difference If you would like to learn more contact our Membership Chair Neil Goldthorpe 0423 927 706 Website: http://raymondterrace.nsw.lions.org.au Find us on facebook ON Lions Club of Raymond Terrace We Serve Lions Club of Raymond Terrace members would like to thank their partners and friends; and local citizens and Businesses that have assisted us in our humanitarian efforts in Raymond Terrace over the previous year. We would not be as effective without your assistance. With your help, we have been able to provide direct support for individuals: Schools; families and other community organisations through our many service projects. We have also been able to raise much needed funds to support other local charities and Lions Foundations which contribute to the much needed funds required to support those most in need. Do you think your community needs help? Then we need you! Through our service, we have changed people's lives. We need to continue to grow our membership so our service to the Community can continue. As a member of our club you will experience strong fellowship and good times meet new people and build lasting friendships and the opportunity to learn new skills and personal development. These are just some of the benefits of being a member of the World's largest and most Active Service club organization. Working together we make a difference If you would like to learn more contact our Membership Chair Neil Goldthorpe 0423 927 706 Website: http://raymondterrace.nsw.lions.org.au Find us on facebook