ADVERTISEMENT COMMUNITY NOTICE Concerning detections of COVID-19 have been discovered in the sewerage network covering RAYMOND TERRACE, MEDOWIE, HEATHERBRAE AND WILLIAMTOWN. The sewage detections are similar to the high levels currently found in Sydney. If you experience the slightest of symptoms, please get tested: RAYMOND TERRACE LAKESIDE SPORTS COMPLEX RAYMOND TERRACE RESPIRATORY CLINIC NELSON BAY TOMAREE SPORTS COMPLEX Mon-Fri: 7:30am-2pm Sat: 7:30am-11:30am Sun: 7:30am-3pm Mon-Sun: 8am-ópm Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm No Appointments Necessary. Drive Through. 4 Jacaranda Avenue. Appointment Required. No Appointments Necessary. Walk-in available if you don't have access to á car. (02) 4983 0900 Drive Through. Authorised by Kate Washington MP, 82 Port Stephens St Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 using parliamentary entitlements. KATE WASHINGTON MP MEMBER FOR PORT STEPHENS (02) 4987 4455 ADVERTISEMENT COMMUNITY NOTICE Concerning detections of COVID-19 have been discovered in the sewerage network covering RAYMOND TERRACE, MEDOWIE, HEATHERBRAE AND WILLIAMTOWN. The sewage detections are similar to the high levels currently found in Sydney. If you experience the slightest of symptoms, please get tested: RAYMOND TERRACE LAKESIDE SPORTS COMPLEX RAYMOND TERRACE RESPIRATORY CLINIC NELSON BAY TOMAREE SPORTS COMPLEX Mon-Fri: 7:30am-2pm Sat: 7:30am-11:30am Sun: 7:30am-3pm Mon-Sun: 8am-ópm Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm No Appointments Necessary. Drive Through. 4 Jacaranda Avenue. Appointment Required. No Appointments Necessary. Walk-in available if you don't have access to á car. (02) 4983 0900 Drive Through. Authorised by Kate Washington MP, 82 Port Stephens St Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 using parliamentary entitlements. KATE WASHINGTON MP MEMBER FOR PORT STEPHENS (02) 4987 4455