HS S integrity Congratulations to our 2024 Irrawang High School Leaders From front left: Vice-Captain Cody, Captain Abby, Captain Riley, Vice-Captain Ellie From rear left: Academic Advisor Zahli, Ngarralbaa Ambassador Talleira, CAPA Ambassador Ellie, Support Ambassador Will Irrawang High School provides an innovative and diverse teaching and learning environment that offers a challenging, disciplined range of educational training and vast co-curricular experiences, WE ARE PROUD TO BE A POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING SCHOOL. A: Mount Hall Road, Raymond Terrace | P: 02 4987 4687 W: https://irrawang-h.schools.nsw.gov.au NGARRABU-MARRUNG designed to bring out the best in each student. We promote excellence in academic, cultural and sporting performance and also provide a wide range of creative and performing arts opportunities. RESPECT GAGA MARUNO (0) RESPONSIBILITY LIKE US ON facebook BARRABA MARRUNG-GANG PERSONAL BEST AW7383387 HS S integrity Congratulations to our 2024 Irrawang High School Leaders From front left : Vice - Captain Cody , Captain Abby , Captain Riley , Vice - Captain Ellie From rear left : Academic Advisor Zahli , Ngarralbaa Ambassador Talleira , CAPA Ambassador Ellie , Support Ambassador Will Irrawang High School provides an innovative and diverse teaching and learning environment that offers a challenging , disciplined range of educational training and vast co - curricular experiences , WE ARE PROUD TO BE A POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING SCHOOL . A : Mount Hall Road , Raymond Terrace | P : 02 4987 4687 W : https://irrawang-h.schools.nsw.gov.au NGARRABU - MARRUNG designed to bring out the best in each student . We promote excellence in academic , cultural and sporting performance and also provide a wide range of creative and performing arts opportunities . RESPECT GAGA MARUNO ( 0 ) RESPONSIBILITY LIKE US ON facebook BARRABA MARRUNG - GANG PERSONAL BEST AW7383387