Irrawang Public School is a diverse learning community with 11 classes K-6, an onsite DET Preschool, Special Education unit and Schools as Community Centre (SaCC) – Thou Walla. These services assist us to provide the best possible educational opportunities for our wider community.
Irrawang Public School is one of four primary schools in Raymond Terrace. The school is located in a residential area much of which is designated as public housing. In 1997 the school was placed on the Disadvantaged Schools Program. The resultant additional funding has greatly assisted in the delivery of effective literacy programs. Over the past three years, basic skills test results show senior students have an improvement rate in literacy that is greater than that of their peers statewide. The school's prime purpose is to provide every student the opportunity and encouragement to achieve their personal best in all areas of learning to maximise their choices for the future. To achieve this the school has instituted a comprehensive curriculum with special emphasis on literacy, numeracy, student welfare and computer technology. Underpinning all that occurs in the school are the fundamental beliefs of respect, responsibility and quality.