MO VIES d'Albora ON THE Marinas FRI 18 SAT 19 BRING YOUR YOUR OWN CHAIRS & BLANKETS MOVIE START TIME 7.30PM FREE FAMILY EVENT I POPCORN I FACE PAINTING I ICE-CREAM CART & PILLOWS ACTIVITIES FROM 5.30PM sshhh... the movies will be a secret Keep an eye out on our socials for hints about what the movie is each night. Fees may apply d'Albora Marinas ,Teramby Rd, Nelson Bay | 02 4984 1333 MO VIES d'Albora ON THE Marinas FRI 18 SAT 19 BRING YOUR YOUR OWN CHAIRS & BLANKETS MOVIE START TIME 7.30PM FREE FAMILY EVENT I POPCORN I FACE PAINTING I ICE-CREAM CART & PILLOWS ACTIVITIES FROM 5.30PM sshhh... the movies will be a secret Keep an eye out on our socials for hints about what the movie is each night. Fees may apply d'Albora Marinas ,Teramby Rd, Nelson Bay | 02 4984 1333