LONGRIDERS CMC AUSTRALIA is a christian motorcycle club with six chapters in three states. Currently we have a chapter in Melbourne, Victoria; Adelaide, Murray Bridge and Mt Gambier, in South Australia; and in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales and Southern NSW. We also have country members who live in different parts of Australia, where there are no organised chapters.
LONGRIDERS CMC New South Wales Chapter, has Members residing throughout NSW and conducts a number of activities throughout the State but mainly operates in the Hunter Region. Its principal focus is on bikers and the biker culture, but we also assist in and provide support to the local community. The Longriders Ministry is one of "just being there" and assisting if possible. We associate with, and if appropriate provide advice and assistance to bikers and community members seeking us out, as well as through us attending bike shows, poker runs and invites to other club activities. Visits by interested people to our Clubhouse and a variety of other events and activities attended by or supported by us also gives us the opportunity to assist people.