
Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (HNECC PHN) is a not for profit organisation funded by the Commonwealth government to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the primary health care system. Following changes introduced by the Commonwealth government in 2014 the HNECC PHN replaced the Central Coast, Hunter and New England Medicare Locals. It has however, been able to maintain and consolidate the existing business relationships built up by the three organisations over many years. These relationships include formal partnerships and health reform agreements with the Central Coast and Hunter New England Local Health Districts (LHDs), formal partnerships and funding agreements with Aboriginal Health Services, Non-Government Organisations, Aged Care Organisations, Local Government and the private sector. The PHN is not a direct provider of services, instead it manages a range of service agreements with organisations to deliver primary health care programs in areas of identified need. Program areas funded include mental health, Aboriginal health, GP after hours care and Rural Primary Health Services (RPHS)

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