DUNGOG HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 5/6 INFORMATION EVENING WEDNESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 5pm Students and their families are invited to attend an information evening at Dungog High School to learn about the school, the facilities and what we have to offer future students. Guests will be welcome to tour the school and have the opportunity to meet with our staff. Located in the Dungog High School Multi-purpose Center (MPC). A free sausage sizzle will be provided. RSVP Monday 12 September - 4992 3022 DUNGOG HS PROSPERITATI SPECTO AW7267979 dungog-h.schools.nsw.gov.au DUNGOG HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 5/6 INFORMATION EVENING WEDNESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 5pm Students and their families are invited to attend an information evening at Dungog High School to learn about the school , the facilities and what we have to offer future students . Guests will be welcome to tour the school and have the opportunity to meet with our staff . Located in the Dungog High School Multi - purpose Center ( MPC ) . A free sausage sizzle will be provided . RSVP Monday 12 September - 4992 3022 DUNGOG HS PROSPERITATI SPECTO AW7267979 dungog-h.schools.nsw.gov.au